In April, in Lazio, Pietro Venezia of VSF and Slow Food consultant Stefano Chellini met with farmers and producers from the ...
From Policy to Plate" podcast by Food Trails explores how cities are are making food systems more sustainable.
Slow Food and Paratissima present a unique art exhibition at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024 (Turin, Italy, from September 26 to 30) aims to restore a healthy balance ...
Slow Food Farms are set to become the largest global network of farms dedicated to producing good, clean and fair food in a way that’s rooted in agroecological principles. Aligned with Slow Food’s ...
“Shortening the food supply chain, reducing animal protein consumption, and cutting down on waste are crucial for the future of many European cities and beyond. These efforts aim to create a better, ...
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«Acortar la cadena de suministro alimentaria, disminuir el consumo de proteína animal y reducir los desperdicios es crucial para el futuro de muchas ciudades europeas y de más allá. Estos esfuerzos ...
« Le raccourcissement de la chaîne alimentaire, la baisse de la consommation de protéines animales et la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire sont indispensables à l’avenir d’un grand nombre de villes ...