Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance reveals Elon Musk could lead a commission to cut federal spending, with Social Security and the Department of Defense as potential targets. The ...
A UN report accuses Israel of severe violations of child rights in Gaza, citing alarming numbers of deaths, displacements, and injuries. The panel calls for urgent action, while Israel denies legal ...
#11. Trump’s failed pandemic response is estimated to have led to hundreds of thousands of needless deaths. By the time Trump left office, roughly 3,000 Americans were dying of covid every day. That’s ...
Electrifying oil and gas production facilities with renewable energy could reduce emissions by over 80%, offering a path toward climate goals and industry sustainability. But logistical and economic ...
This widening gap reflects a troubling trend in the U.S. economy, where wealth continues to concentrate at the top, leaving ordinary workers behind.
Candi Miller and Amber Thurman, both Black women and mothers to young children, died after they were unable to access care for rare but typically treatable complications caused by medication abortion.
While Chicago teachers were successfully making progressive change in Chicago, Democrats took control of the Illinois state legislature, and with the election of J.B. Pritzker in 2018, elected one of ...
The temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in November last year resulted in the release of 109 hostages. Compare that to Israeli military operations, which have managed to rescue 8 hostages ...
As Novo Nordisk rakes in billions, Sen. Bernie Sanders and public health advocates demand answers on why U.S. patients are charged sky-high prices for life-saving drugs like Ozempic while generics ...
“At this point, the EPA should designate the entire class of PFAS as hazardous air pollutants,” Emily Donovan, co-founder of the non-profit, Clean Cape Fear, a group of residents that advocate for ...
Nelson’s extreme act of protest marks the third self-immolation in the U.S. since Israel’s war on Gaza began, drawing attention to America’s ongoing complicity in the killing of over 41,000 ...