The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established after the Second World War as a deterrent to potential Soviet aggression on some countries in Europe .
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine hit EU tourism as the market was recovering from the Covid-19 slump a report shows ...
Artillery from India is being diverted to Ukraine by European customers. This situation has been going on for over a year and ...
"The budget of Ukraine for the next year assumes a significant increase in the salary fund of officials — up to 75% in some ...
The country has lost more than two-thirds of its electricity production capacity the agency has said Ukraine is in for a ...
The main external actors of the Middle East situation are the United States and Iran, Boris Dolgov, a leading research fellow of the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, says ...
This week, oil-producing countries were able to breathe a little. World prices have gone up. During the week, the quotes of ...